We take pride in our customer service and enjoy the conversations that we have with our passengers so feel free to call our office and make your reservation. Reservations made online or through our office are the same cost. Online reservations may be made up to 4 hours prior to departure. If you are within 4 hours of departure time please call our office.

250-247-9992 or 1-800-665-2359
(within North America).
  • When booking a flight over the phone we require a credit card to confirm your reservation.
  • We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debit and Cash.
Visit Gabriola Island With Gulf Island Seaplanes


Baggage Allowance: 25lbs per passenger. Anything over and above is not guaranteed on same flight and excess charge of $0.53/lb (includes GST) will be applied. If you expect to be travelling with more than 25 lbs. and are departing out of Silva Bay, we ask that you bring excess luggage to our office a day or two prior to your departure. We will send it over to Vancouver on an earlier flight and lock it up in our secure holding facility. Your luggage will be waiting for you upon your arrival in Vancouver. There is no cost associated with this. We are just happy to reunite you with your luggage on the other side. Please contact the office for more information.

Check-In: Minimum 20 minutes prior to departure.

Cancellation Fees: Changes and cancellations may be made up to 48 hours prior to departure at no cost. Changes and cancellations within 48 hours will be charged full fare.

Weather: All flights are weather dependent. What affects us? Fog, snow and lots of wind. If we need to delay your flight due to weather we will notify you as soon as possible. We will delay until either we can go or we know that we will not be able to get the flight in before the end of the day. If your flight is cancelled due to weather you will not be charged.

    4640 Inglis Drive (Near South Terminal) In Vancouver your pilot will check you in just prior to your flight.
    Silva Bay Resort, 3383 South Road Our awesome office is located down on the fuel dock.


For passengers who may need assistance getting in or out of our aircraft we have ramps located at Silva Bay and YVR for your convenience. If there is a need for extra assistance we are happy to aid our passengers in any way possible. When making your reservation please inform our customer service agent that a ramp or other assistance may be needed.


Please inform staff if you are in need of a taxi upon arrival at your destination.

PUBLIC TRANSIT There is a bus stop right in front of the Seair building. Please see attached link to plan your trip
Trip Planner | TransLink

YVR Airport Authority operates a courtesy shuttle between the floatplane terminal, YVR South and YVR main terminal. The floatplane stop is conveniently located about a two-minute walk from where we land. Please see attached link for schedule.
To Airport South | YVR

Richmond Taxi at 1-604-272-1111 Your YVR & Lulu Island Taxi | Richmond Taxi Be sure to ask for pickup at Seair building near the South Terminal of YVR. You are minutes away from the main terminal at YVR by taxi.


Gabriola Taxi: 1-250-247-0049

Gabriola also has Gertie! That’s our beloved Island bus. There is a bus stop at the church right across the street from the Silva Bay Resort and Marina. Please see attached link for schedule.
GERTIE: Gabriola’s Community Bus Service | Gabriola’s Environmentally Responsible Trans-Island Express



Note: Due to the rebuild at Silva Bay Resort and Marina, monthly parking is no longer available.


There are three pay parking lots near our Vancouver terminal, one on Bell Irving Street, Lot 4769, and two on Cowley Crescent, Lots 4760 and 4761. All lots are operated by PayByPhone Parking mobile app & payment solution | PayByPhone so you will need to download their app.
Note: the Seair Seaplanes parking lot is not available.

Please allow enough time to park, pay and walk to our floatplane terminal before your check-in time which is no later than 20 minutes before your scheduled departure time.


Only one pet is allowed per flight unless there are multiple pets per passenger. Always call the office to ensure your pet can be accommodated. All pets will be weighed upon check-in.


Pets 25 lbs and under will be included as part of your allowable 25 lbs of luggage per passenger. Dogs may sit on owner’s lap with a dog harness (either supplied by the owner or Gulf Island Seaplanes) as well as attached to the passenger’s seatbelt.
Pets 26 lbs and over will be charged at a full fare rate. Dependent on size they may either sit on owner’s lap, at their feet, or have a designated seat. The dog should have a harness (either supplied by the owner or Gulf Island Seaplanes) and will be attached to seatbelt.


We do accept unaccompanied pets. Please call our office for more information as this will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Please call ahead prior to booking your flight to ensure there is room for your service animal.
Service animals are accepted at no cost provided that the proper documentation and certification is provided. This includes 1) Confirmation of animal training to be signed by owner/trainer of dog and 2) Confirmation from medical/mental health professional including professional’s licence number and type of licence. Document must be signed by professional.